Monday 2 March 2020

Hoping for some dryer weather

under the sunlamp

After the  three consecutive weather events in Febuary, all of them wet and really quite windy with barely a let up between them I'm thrilled to announce that March is pleasing me much more.

Today is the first day this year I've been able to dry washing on the line and it was pleasant enough outside to plant the onion sets which have been waiting patiently for several weeks now.

The picture shows seedlings mostly started in January, chillies and pelargoniums, which are making reasonable progress under a growing light.

Time to start the tomatoes.

1 comment:

Balanougardener said...

Go you! I’m kicking my heels in London still, watching the weather forecasts and hoping for a little window of no rain to make it feel worthwhile going home. No point if I can’t even walk on the ground, let alone start working it!