Tuesday 2 March 2010

At last there seems to be some spring in the air


Out went February and in came March, like a lion. The enormous storm that blew in across Portugal, Spain, Central France and onto Belgium and Germany has cleared the air, given us blue skies at last and a hint of the new season to come. It's such a relief.

Of course, that's not to say there isn't still a frost every night, and the weather forecast for the UK isn't particularly optimistic suggesting that it will remain wintery for most of the month but at least in France it looks like the weather is setting fair for a few days and that makes me think it's time I got going and sorted out a load of stuff, like the (inevitably) late planting of the garlic, preparing the beds and repairing the damages of the winter before full on gardening resumes in April.

In the greenhouse I have the Martock bean seedlings, the tuberous rooted peas are showing their heads, I might still have a couple of yacon tubers and my fingers are crossed for the Hopniss. I need to get the ulluco into pots, they were so damaged that I've lost still more of the meagre crop in storage and their only hope is to wake up and smell the coffee before all vigour is lost. A tray of asparagus seedling has just started to germinate and the chilli peppers and aubergines are coming along slowly as is their way.

I do have plenty of rather manky oca in red, pink and white varieties if anyone needs a start on those. You get what you pay for, which is next to nothing for these, but they are firm and healthy enough to make plants even if they're not looking good to eat. Drop me a mail if you're interested.

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