It seems a lot of people are trying to get around the spam protection and use this blog to promote their own advertising sites. If I spot you I will delete you... and if I don't delete you and you're a phony then don't think you've put one over on me, you're just too pathetic for me to bother with.
Now, to business! Living the French dream is something that catches the imagination of a lot of people. To fuel your fantasies further here are a couple of properties being sold by a friend. The picture above shows a house near Vire in Calvados, a couple of hours drive from the ferries. There are 5 buildings: a habitable cottage (pictured), cottage 2 to renovate, cottage 3, a charming but dilapidated old colombage house and a hangar. All located around a central green. Total area of 2.4 hectares (6 acres) land with an apple orchard, pear, cherry and walnut trees. 3 wells, spring, pond and a veg garden. 130,000€
Or, if that doesn't rock your boat how about;

This one is further south. The house is a former stone cottage and barn in the Brenne national park. The roof and external walls have been repaired or renewed. There’s an acre of land with a pond. It’s on top of a hill, and has magnificent views down a wooded valley.
The cottage has been opened out into a 35m2 big farmhouse kitchen, with a big old fireplace. Above the kitchen is a 17.5m2 mezzanine floor.
The barn contains a 10.5m2 bathroom, a 28m2 (unfinished) salon and two bedrooms (10.5m2 and 28m2). There’s another 42m2 of the barn that’s currently used as a full-height workshop, but which could easily be converted to two floors of bedrooms/living rooms. If you click on the picture it will take you to more pictures. This one is a little more expensive (but has better weather) at 145,000€
Buying property in France is relatively easy. Fees are paid by the purchaser and the transaction is usually handled by a single Notaire who acts for both parties.
If either of these properties interest you and you're seriously considering a purchase then please contact delanghe.steve[replace with at sign]wanadoo.fr who will tell you everything you need to know.
I've been having the same problem with spamming for some time. I don't know what the answer is, but it often seems to start with silly but superficial posts; my problem started, if I'm not very much mistaken, with a request to use material off my blog.
There is currently a meme doing the rounds of marketing blogs that suggests the way to get more business is to 'make friends' and 'network'.
I find this particularly pernicious and unpleasant, undermining everything that until now I've found a benefit in blogging. It will eventually kill the community. I hate it and I hate the people who perpetrate it.
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