The skies over Normandy are cold and grey at least half of the time so far this April. It's not making it any easier to settle back into the routine of managing alone. I feel jumbled and lost, not sure what I should be doing or why, but life is beginning to assume some sort of pattern that will help hold things together although I'm having to use this blog as an aide-memoire to direct my actions - it's April I should be digging, that sort of thing.

This egg was on the ground below the big pear tree. Almost undamaged apart from one small puncture where yolk was leaking out I think it must have fallen after the nest was attacked by magpies this morning. I saw the wretched birds flying away when I first went out. I don't have my Girls Book of Egg Identifications handy so I can't tell you what sort of bird it might have become but it's a very pretty egg and I'm sorry it's dead.
By the way, all the photos today were taken with the Ixus330, my brilliant little point and shoot digital camera which is nearing 10 years old. I wish all cameras were as sturdy and long lasting.

Despite feeling abandoned and lost I've plenty of contact with people and need to think about planning ahead for our summer party here, which we've been promising without really thinking much further than that about it. It will be a handfasting and summer ball as well as a chance to view the new tractor. Applications on a postcard if you've not had your invitation already!

The bumble bees were out today, they have no existential doubts, they were gathering nectar from the dead nettles as fast as they possibly could and it was difficult to find one stopped for long enough to take a picture.

I'm hoping the cold nights we're still having won't prevent the pears and plums setting a good crop. The apples flower a couple of weeks later and are usually o.k.

Today I dug some onion patch, weeded the strawberries and did most of the cleaning in the greenhouse ready for the new season. It's so wonderfully warm in there I'm tempted to set up a desk and chair so I can sit with my laptop without my fingers freezing off.
It's a backbird egg.
Lovely pictures. Hope your sun comes out soon.
I worked a whole winter in the greenhouse one year. Lifesaving for the soul during the cold and dreary days
Good to read your blog again and the photos are as ever lovely.
SO glad to have stumbled across your blog :)
I found abandoned, sabotaged birds' eggs in my garden this week, again, after magpies had been showing a lot of interest. The wren nest has been abandoned too :( I am now desperately trying to guard and help out our blackbird nest!
Beautiful photo's...
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