Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Spud U like

through a blur

Even photography is rusty after the winter break, that and forgetting to bring the charger with me which means I'm rationing use of the camera. It's almost like the old days with film and all that.

Anyway, between the April showers today I got the rest of the potatoes settled in their rows. The line up is as follows:

Swift - our favourite super first early
Red Duke of York - everybody's favourite first early but not one we usually do
Stroma - a lesser known potato that always does well for us
Shetland Black - can be very good in a good year and great in stew
Ambo - two rows, our favourite big general purpose early maincrop
British Queen - two rows, best for chips
Salad Blue - I like a row of these once in a while
Sarpo Mira - They're good, not great but good.
Pink Fir Apple - two rows, brilliantly flavoured potato and can be mashed or chipped
Arran Victory - lovely purple skin, good keeper

I'm going to have to read back to see what I was doing at this time in previous years. It just seems too cold and wintry to be starting any seeds but we're half way through April already.

1 comment:

Mrs Mac said...

So nice to see some old names there!