I've been picking the odd tomato from this yellow cherry vine Sungold since the beginning of the month. Beautifully sweet. The other tomatoes are doing well on the whole. This year I bought many of the plants and stuck to favourites like Gardeners Delight and Marmande mostly because there wasn't a lot to choose from anyway. The two that aren't doing so well are bought in plants from the same nurseries and the only difference I can imagine is that there is something wrong with the growbag they're in but that seems an unlikely reason as they were all from the same batch. Not quite sure what to do about it so will probably do nothing.

One sort that did come from seed were the Wild Currant Tomatoes (pg dwn) from Realseeds which are doing well, the ones outside better than in the greenhouse. I chose it because of its alleged blight resistance and the outdoor plants are receiving no spraying as a test. No signs of problems yet although we've had plenty of Smiths periods. They are sited away from the spuds but that's no benefit in a bad year. A few fruit have set in the greenhouse but the outside plants are only just starting to flower.
The other seed raised tomatoes are the Tom Wagner variety Schimmeig Creg which is a small, slightly hollow striped sort, gold and red. The seeds came via the HSL and were started very late but they're growing away well and are catching up with the much earlier plants that I bought.
I started seeds of sweet pepper Semaroh (page down) rather late too. It's a rams horn shape that came from Realseeds and is the sweet twin of a hot brother. The plants are growing quite well but I'm not sure if they'll reach fruiting size this year. Although I could probably overwinter them there may not be space so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's not all a waste of time.
This year I'm also growing greenhouse cucumbers. Not something I'd do normally but I had some seed gifted to me at Christmas and didn't have any ridge cucumber seed. Pity about that as it would have been a good year for them. Anyway, three F1 plants are romping away and just beginning to flower and with them just one Rock Melon which I'm hoping will be the plant that breaks my years of failure with melons.
Lots of basil and some ornamentals make up most of the rest but there are two pots of peanut plants which are enjoying the warm conditions and look very sturdy at the moment.

Cool garden and beautiful pictures!
Thank you. Lovely when someone comments.
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