Time to report on the Andean roots. So far the bed is looking pretty good, I've managed to hoe a couple of time and although one or two plants have succumbed to a mysterious fate (mice, cats?) most of the pot grown starters I planted out seem to be thriving. Pictured above the ulluco on the left, the oca (four, maybe five types) on the right and a few magentaspreen seedlings which inevitably found their way into the bed even though it was covered with thick black plastic for two years to kill the nettles and brambles.

All three of my starts of Yacon from Realseeds took well although they have been sulking since I planted them out at the beginning of June. Thankfully they seem to have settled now and are beginning to get going which is a relief.

I managed to kill a lot of mashua that kindly I'd been given and have ended up with just the one plant but it's looking mighty fine.

Not generally grown for its roots (or at all) but still resolutely Andean the Alberto Locoto chillies are looking really healthy and making lots of flowers. They need bigger pots as do a number of my other babies so I feel a trip to Poteries Turgis just down the road in Noron la Poterie coming on.
And because, geographically, the Papalo is closer to these than anything else I'm growing this year here it is, in another pot. I should plant some more quickly because there's not much there to harvest.

Yummy and beautiful at the same time. Can't wait to see the harvest.
Hello Rebecca! Thank you. It's a great change from last year when it was so wet here everything rotted. Hoping for a much better crop this time.
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