Worse than that, today is a much anticipated summer's day, probably the best of the year so far and instead of being out there enjoying it my body has decided to call in sick. So things are not getting done in the garden either.
Here are some snaps:

We found a big colony of Peacock butterfly caterpillars in the nettles Paul was about to cut so we left a patch for them to eat. They're doing well, probably nearly ready to pupate and then emerge as beautiful posers in late July. By the way, most of my photos are now hosted on Ipernity and you can find me there as Spider .

These dwarf peas called Raisin Capucijner (find that word very difficult to spell) came from the Heritage Seed Library. The plants are stunted even for dwarf growers and weren't helped by being stomped on by cows but the flowers are delightful. I'm hoping they'll carry on growing and make a good crop.

Today is D-day and although it is remembered with respect every year, this year is the 70th anniversary. Many of the veterans who took part in 1944 won't be with us much longer and so there is a particularly big event to commemorate their participation this time. We are just twenty minutes drive from Omaha beach here and this fly past of old planes were clearly making a turn back to the ceremonies. There is a little clip in this article on the BBC which shows them flying past HM the Queen as she lays a wreath in memory of the many soldiers who died during the battles.
1 comment:
From the left:
Dakota DC3, 2 Spitfires and a Lancaster. The Lancaster is almost certainly the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight's one, as it's the only airworthy one in Europe. The other planes are in D-Day striped livery, but I don't know whose they were.
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