Tuesday, 28 January 2020

A few photos

winter aconite

Small signs of spring are emerging in the existing garden; along with these winter aconites are some purple croci and quite a lot of snowdrops in various places, including across the road outside the house in the ditch which must surely be feral escapees.

garden primroses

I planted a few primroses in this shady spot by the gate, later in the year it will be a bed of ground elder but I'm ok with that given the position. I'd rather have put wild primroses there but we'll see how these do.


This is the big spring project. An old polytunnel previously used to raise lambs so it's never had plants but the frame is rickety and it will be difficult to cover. It might be easier to build a whole new kit but it seems a shame to waste the start given here.


These are the snowdrops, very double but a quick whisk around the interwebs suggest they are only the most usual double Galanthus nivalis Flore Pleno, which can arise spontaneously but because I can only find this form in the garden must have been original plantings. I'm toying with the idea of getting some singles although I've never been a keen collector before.

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