Friday, 3 October 2008

It must be xmas!

sweet chestnuts

High winds have brought down some sweet chestnuts, a little prematurely perhaps but well filled nonetheless. I brought a pocket full home with me this evening to roast for my supper. I'll have to go out again tomorrow with a bucket to collect the rest.


joker the lurcher said...

yum! i love food that is free! these remind me of when i was pregnant with my son and we went to normandy with a bunch of friends for a weekend to celebrate the 40th birthday of one of them. we stayed in a chatueau that one of them was doing the plumbing in (camped would be a better description) and had a slap up meal for 45 of us cooked on a bbq, a large camping stove and a microwave. on the sunday morning we went out into the mist in our pyjamas and collected tons of chestnuts. cooking them on the fire at home that evening wafted us back to france!

Catofstripes said...

These were really good. We had terrible high winds yesterday so I should go out and collect some quickly. Wearing a reflective jacket and singing loudly, just in case of hunters!

Christina S said...

What a gorgeous photo! So autumnal and cosy. It's made me want chestnuts now, too!

Catofstripes said...

Thanks Ruby. I bet there's a chestnut tree near you - maybe in that lovely park although York is a bit far north for sweet chestnuts. Worth a look.