These sweetpeas and lavender flowers are scenting my room today. I'm not a great fan of cut flowers but sweetpeas are made for the job. I'd planted these around our outside eating area but at the moment it's not really picnicking weather and it seemed far nicer to bring the flowers in to enjoy than wait until they were over before doing the necessary deheading.

It's been rainy stormy weather, plenty of water for the plants but inhibiting the outdoor life. I did manage to plant some dill and fennel seeds. The fennel is from the kitchen so it may come to nothing but the dill was fresh seed so I'm hopeful there. I've also, I've just remembered, two types of chicory to sow so that had better go on the list, but I'm weary and depressed.
A friend who counsels in CBT suggested that it was o.k. to give yourself permission to do nothing for a while when all actions seem equally impossible so that's the plan for today, even though it sounds a bit like a good excuse to slack off and I do enough of that already.

Back in the geek world I've managed to get onto Google+, the latest attempt to provide an alternative service (and cash in on the lucrative datamining therein) to Facebook. If you'd like to add me to a circle then gplus.to/catofstripes should help find me.
What a lovely bouquet.
I hope the weather brightens and your mood with it...until then, take it easy and don't worry about not getting everything done. I have days like that too...
The ex-moth is exquisite...
Thanks Rose. I didn't realise the butterfly had such a pretty underside until I found the poor thing dead in the greenhouse. It's a Marbled White.
gorgeous pictures.
Thanks Edward.
How was the permitted slacking? Did you at least enjoy the holiday?
Aaaaanonymous, it was so long ago now I've forgotten. But I have another excuse now, the dreadful weather!
its hard to give ourselves permission to stop and just be but its really important. a lot of people i know are low at the moment which may be to do with this weather.
how do you get into g+ ? i've put my name down but no invitation yet! can you invite me or is it down to google?
Hi Joker, I've put an email invite for you to the email address I think is right. If not, let me know the account you'd like to use. (I think you can change it once in anyway)
It took me a few days to get in so you might have to keep trying. See you soon.
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