Sunday, 19 February 2006


A slightly longer interval than expected - blame the curse of Paul's cold co-inciding with a hefty dose of PMS leading to a very depressed few days indeed. In fact things aren't all that much better now but Perpetual Motivation.

Roy brought us the final remnants of the dog wood cuttings from Ireland which I shall try to get planted out in the garden here as soon as possible. Bit silly really, we have all the plants we need and they are not expensive to buy if we needed more but I can't bear to throw away a cutting that was promised a chance! There are a couple of bits of the willow resident at la Rupallerie too. That should get into the drains nicely.

I have decided that for a first trip on my own going to Le Havre is madness. There is a toll bridge shortly after you leave the ferry and I won't have a passenger to hand over the cash, which in itself sounds pathetic but it's details like that that appear insurmountable and stop anything happening at all. So it's Caen next time. I know the way, more or less, and there are a lot more sailings to choose from so I won't have to have a cabin or sit up all night. Shame it's going to cost three times as much. Hope the car will hold up. It needs a new battery but we're a bit broke. Maybe I'll get one anyway.

So tomorrow's tasks. Get the letters written and posted, hassle Mr. Walker about the water board (and ask him if he knows any good men up a ladder) and book the ferry. I feel better already.

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