Thursday, 9 February 2006

Trip to Normandy

Off again today with Roy and Xtal for a couple of days at Village Esnouf. I will take Xtal to see the new house. I hope she will like it.

Village EsnougThe house in Ouville.

JPR Environmental have come up with the goods, my two cuttings of Salix Nigricans arrived this morning in time to be taken to plant with the others. Still not sure how to provide deer protection. May have to cut some brash from the hedges to lay across the plot and confuse the buggers. Anyway, JPR are good sorts and if you're thinking of planting a few willows for coppicing or buying a complete willow sculpture for your garden get your order in with them before the end of the month.

The weather is beautiful today but very cold and is set to stay the same until after we get back. I hope to get some interesting pictures of parts of the farm previously unrecorded and to identify parts of buildings that can be made secure for storage quickly. Having all that space has made our overcrowded garage seem unbearable.

It's just possible I will meet some people from the Angloinfo forums. Some ladies who run a cat rescue (only the Brits etc etc) are having trouble uploading files to their new website and I've offered to give them a hand. It will be interesting to see how others are integrating into their communities - I imagine cat rescue would be viewed by the French as nearly as mad as veganism!

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